Membership Qualifications
There are four classes of membership in the Society for Vector Ecology. Regular, Student, Honorary, and Sustaining. The qualifications are as follows:
Regular Membership: Any person with an academic degree from an accredited college or university, plus two or more years of experience in the field of vector ecology or in related fields or with equivalent merits and experience may become a regular member. Education beyond the bachelor degree or equivalent may be substituted for experience. Regular members shall pay annual dues as set forth by the Board. Regular members will receive Bulletin and Newsletter free of charge and are eligible to participate in the affairs of the Society and vote on issues.
Honorary Membership: An honorary membership may be conferred upon regular members who have long served in the field of vector ecology. Honorary members shall pay no dues and are entitled to the same privileges as regular members.
Sustaining Membership: Any agency or organization who desires to contribute financially to the purpose and objectives of this Society may become a sustaining member by paying annual dues as set by the Board each year. Names of sustaining members will be listed once a year in both the Newsletter and annual program of SOVE. Sustaining members have the same rights and privileges as regular members except they cannot vote or hold office.
Student Membership: Any student enrolled full-time in a college or university is eligible to become a student member. Student members pay one-half of the regular member dues and are entitled to the same privileges as regular members, but cannot hold office. To qualify, the students must be certified by an advisor or department head each year.
TO JOIN/RENEW: Please create an account on this website then select the JOIN/RENEW tab.